A gift is right, and possibly an understatement, i can't hear the faintest hint that this isn't done by an actual 50-man orchestra with top recording equipment!!!
A gift is right, and possibly an understatement, i can't hear the faintest hint that this isn't done by an actual 50-man orchestra with top recording equipment!!!
Thanks a lot :) I have to thank the countless producers and engineers that recorded the samples I used, without them none of this would be possible.
luvitluvitluvitluvitluvitluvit This is AMAZING!!!
-Goes with Trance Theme
-gets me up to the beat.
-Great Melody
-Givesno sense of repetition.
-none I can hear (this is the second time I havent heard any downs in a while)
wow!... this... is new...
-nice melody
-acheived difficult vocal stutter
-nice vocal
-bass linient (*I like ;P *)
-very repetitive main melody
Hehe XP thank you very much. I realize now a couple months later that that melody was repetitive but my trip on salvia was almost a constant repitition. though a change of melody would be rather good I think >.=.< this is oddly enough the most succesful song i have on newgrounds so I have to be doing something right, though unlike my other songs this one had life changing inspiration behind it and that's the life changing experience of a horrid trip on drugs. success obviously requires emotion I suppose XP thank you much for the review
.... interesting...
veery interesting..... I'm at a loss as to how to criticize!...
-niice distortions!...
-great additions
-good choices
-gives the feeling of being lost... in something...
-a bit confusing...
-can't identify enything else......
Thanks for the cool review, man : D
............. Here 'goes
great melody...
electronic music... (*shut up rut!*) (**sorry... "split" personalities (***meaning one for each thing I hate/like***) **)
nice piano...
nice bass...
good ambience...
(*no time left*)
mildly repetitive...
Trance is usually somewhat repetitive so at least I got that right. Thanks for the input.
from now on Ill only list the ups and downs since I dont give very good comments...
good melody...
electronic type-like... (*dont judge me!... I love electronic music...*)
nice vocal...
guitar sounds good...
nice chorus...
nice beginning
vocal "high point"/"shreek"
=3 Sorry, that was bothering me.
Thank you very much for your kind words, but I assure you, this 'shriek' in which you speak of is a distinct note that I worked hard on. They're called whistle pitches, and the highest of them in this song are a D7, and a C7. Sorry if they displeased you, but I assure you that they were not random screams. Thank you for listening
With love,
LadyArsenic <3
Love music, love games, love leather, so I do leatherwork while listening to music then game while I'm not :D
Age 34, Male
Gaming & Leatherwork
my mind
Joined on 9/12/04